Europine hydrochloride

Europine hydrochloride phyproof® Reference Substance | PhytoLab
Europine hydrochloride
Europine hydrochloride
Europine hydrochloride reference substance is a primary reference standard with certified absolute purity (considering chromatographic purity, water, residual solvents, inorganic impurities).
This reference substance has been prepacked and is available in 10 mg portions only. Therefore, the discount scheme for larger units is not applicable to this reference standard. The counterion is determined quantitatively and treated as an impurity in the calculation of the absolute purity. The assigned absolute purity on the certificate of analysis, therefore, refers to the pure europine. Please note that the given CAS # refers to the free base as there is no CAS # for the hydrochloride salt available.
The counterion is determined quantitatively and treated as an impurity in the calculation of the absolute purity. The assigned absolute purity on the certificate of analysis, therefore, refers to the pure europine. Please note that the given CAS # refers to the free base as there is no CAS # for the chloride salt available.
The substance is hygroscopic! Therefore, the appearance of the substance in the vial may differ from the information given on the certificate of analysis due to absorption of humidity. The exact weight given on the label of the vial refers to the freshly packed coumpound. In order to produce a stock solution of known concentration please transfer the contents of the vial quantitatively into a volumetric flask by repeated rinsing with excess solvent and then fill to the mark.
soluble in chloroform and ethanol
usually a stock item
deep frozen
in styrofoam box together with deep frozen gel packs
natural alkaloid
Europine hydrochloride phyproof® Reference Substance | PhytoLab
Europine hydrochloride Reference Substance | CAS # 570-19-4 | Herbal Reference Standard | Analytical Testing & Quality Control | From 357 € for 10 mg
Europine hydrochloride, Reference Substance, Herbal Reference Standard


Europine hydrochloride
Europine hydrochloride
Clorhidrato de europina la sustancia de referencia es un estándar de referencia primario con pureza absoluta certificada (considerando la pureza cromatográfica, agua, solventes residuales, impurezas inorgánicas).
Esta sustancia de referencia ha sido preenvasada y está disponible solo en porciones de 10 mg. Por lo tanto, el esquema de descuento para unidades más grandes no es aplicable a este estándar de referencia. El contraion se determina cuantitativamente y se trata como una impureza en el cálculo de la pureza absoluta de esta sustancia de referencia. La pureza absoluta asignada en el certificado de análisis de este estándar de referencia, por lo tanto, se refiere al europina puro. Tenga en cuenta que el número CAS proporcionado se refiere a la base libre ya que no hay un número CAS disponible para el sal de hidrocloruro.
The counterion is determined quantitatively and treated as an impurity in the calculation of the absolute purity. The assigned absolute purity on the certificate of analysis, therefore, refers to the pure europine. Please note that the given CAS # refers to the free base as there is no CAS # for the chloride salt available.
The substance is hygroscopic! Therefore, the appearance of the substance in the vial may differ from the information given on the certificate of analysis due to absorption of humidity. The exact weight given on the label of the vial refers to the freshly packed coumpound. In order to produce a stock solution of known concentration please transfer the contents of the vial quantitatively into a volumetric flask by repeated rinsing with excess solvent and then fill to the mark.
soluble in chloroform and ethanol
usualmente en stock
deep frozen
en caja de poliestireno junto con paquetes de gel congelados
alcaloide natural
Clorhidrato de europina phyproof® Sustancia de referencia | PhytoLab
Clorhidrato de europina Sustancia de referencia | CAS # 570-19-4 | Normas de Referencia de Hierbas | Pruebas analíticas y control de calidad | A partir de 357 € por 10 mg
Clorhidrato de europina, Sustancia de referencia, Normas de Referencia de Hierbas


Europine hydrochloride
Europine hydrochloride
Chlorhydrate d’europine la substance de référence est un étalon de référence primaire dont la pureté absolue est certifiée (en tenant compte de la pureté chromatographique, de l’eau, des solvants résiduels et des impuretés inorganiques).
Cette substance de référence a été préemballée et n’est disponible qu’en portions de 10 mg. Par conséquent, le système de réduction pour des unités plus grandes ne s’applique pas à cet étalon de référence. Le contre-ion est déterminé quantitativement et traité comme une impureté dans le calcul de la pureté absolue de cette substance de référence. La pureté absolue indiquée sur le certificat d’analyse de cet étalon de référence se réfère donc à la europine pure. Veuillez noter que le numéro CAS indiqué se réfère à la base libre car il n’existe pas de numéro CAS pour le sel de hydrochlorure.
The counterion is determined quantitatively and treated as an impurity in the calculation of the absolute purity. The assigned absolute purity on the certificate of analysis, therefore, refers to the pure europine. Please note that the given CAS # refers to the free base as there is no CAS # for the chloride salt available.
The substance is hygroscopic! Therefore, the appearance of the substance in the vial may differ from the information given on the certificate of analysis due to absorption of humidity. The exact weight given on the label of the vial refers to the freshly packed coumpound. In order to produce a stock solution of known concentration please transfer the contents of the vial quantitatively into a volumetric flask by repeated rinsing with excess solvent and then fill to the mark.
soluble in chloroform and ethanol
Généralement un article en stock
deep frozen
Dans une boîte en polystyrène avec des packs de gel surgelés
Alcaloïde naturel
Chlorhydrate d’europine phyproof® Reference Substance | PhytoLab
Chlorhydrate d’europine Reference Substance | CAS # 570-19-4 | Étalon de référence des plantes | Analytical Testing & Quality Control | A partir de 357 € pour 10 mg
Chlorhydrate d’europine, Reference Substance, Étalon de référence des plantes


Europine hydrochloride
Europine hydrochloride
Cloridrato de Europina a substância de referência é um padrão de referência primário com pureza absoluta certificada (considerando a pureza cromatográfica, a água, os solventes residuais e as impurezas inorgânicas).
Esta substância de referência foi pré-embalada e está disponível apenas em porções de 10 mg. Portanto, o esquema de desconto para unidades maiores não se aplica a este padrão de referência. O contraíon é determinado quantitativamente e tratado como uma impureza no cálculo da pureza absoluta desta substância de referência. Portanto, a pureza absoluta atribuída no certificado de análise deste padrão de referência refere-se à europina pura. Observe que o número CAS fornecido refere-se à base livre, pois não há número CAS disponível para o sal de cloridrato.
The counterion is determined quantitatively and treated as an impurity in the calculation of the absolute purity. The assigned absolute purity on the certificate of analysis, therefore, refers to the pure europine. Please note that the given CAS # refers to the free base as there is no CAS # for the chloride salt available.
The substance is hygroscopic! Therefore, the appearance of the substance in the vial may differ from the information given on the certificate of analysis due to absorption of humidity. The exact weight given on the label of the vial refers to the freshly packed coumpound. In order to produce a stock solution of known concentration please transfer the contents of the vial quantitatively into a volumetric flask by repeated rinsing with excess solvent and then fill to the mark.
soluble in chloroform and ethanol
normalmente em stock
deep frozen
em caixa de poliestireno junto com pacotes de gel congelado
alcaloide natural
Cloridrato de Europina phyproof® Substâncias de Referência | PhytoLab
Cloridrato de Europina Substância de Referência | CAS # 570-19-4 | Padrão de referência herbal | Teste analítico e controle de qualidade | De 357 € por 10 mg
Cloridrato de Europina, Substância de Referência, Padrão de referência herbal


C16H27NO6 × HCl


Nitrogen-containing Compounds
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids


Compuestos con nitrógeno
Alcaloides Pirrolizidínicos


Composés contenant de l’azote
Alcaloïdes pyrrolizidiniques


Compostos contendo nitrogênio
Alcaloide pirrolizidínico
< -15 °C

hazard symbols

hazard statements

precautionary statements



Trichodesma sp.
botanical origin
≥ 98.0 %